AL OTAIBI Advocates & Legal Consultants has one of the best debt col­lec­tion prac­tices in United Arab Emi­rates which is com­posed of highly qual­i­fied, skilled and tal­ented lawyers whose nego­ti­at­ing skills pri­mar­ily involve best inter­ests and claims of clients.

The debt recov­ery chan­nels our team employs is not only unique but more fruit­ful to our clients.  We use appro­pri­ate strat­egy that suits each circumstance.

Our prime con­cern always focus on set­tling claims ami­ca­bly. Our approach of nego­ti­at­ing will be based on com­mit­ment we have with our clients. How­ever, last option of prepar­ing to file before a judi­cial forum is a com­pul­sion if our efforts out of court set­tle­ment failed.

Lawyer, assigned, for debt recov­ery, han­dle each case sep­a­rately with high degree of sin­cer­ity and con­fi­den­tial­ity.  If it comes to file civil law­suits, we explain our clients fully and then only rep­re­sent them in the civil courts pro­ceed­ings. Our meth­ods of approach are fast and cost effective.