Regard­less of people’s sit­u­a­tion, U.S, Canada, UK, Aus­tralia, New Zealand and other Euro­pean Nations’ immi­gra­tion law can be con­fus­ing. Are you seek­ing to come to the go for plea­sure, busi­ness or to attend school? Do you want to stay there just tem­porar­ily, for a longer period of time or live per­ma­nently? If you want to live there, our immi­gra­tion lawyers can help deter­mine your eli­gi­bil­ity for var­i­ous types of visas and guide you through the appli­ca­tion process.

With over 50 legal and immi­gra­tion asso­ciates world­wide, we have the expe­ri­ence, scale and flex­i­bil­ity to ensure that our clients receive the high­est cal­i­bre of immi­gra­tion ser­vices. Every­thing we do as firm is focused on enhanc­ing the deliv­ery of immi­gra­tion ser­vices to our clients. We are com­mit­ted to con­tin­u­ous inno­va­tion that dri­ves effi­ciency and adds value.

Whether a client requires assis­tance in address­ing com­pli­ance issues, bench-marking against indus­try stan­dards, assess­ing the immi­gra­tion impact on a cor­po­rate reor­ga­ni­za­tion, or deter­min­ing whether a busi­ness visa is an appro­pri­ate option, we can help. Our immi­gra­tion lawyers have the knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence required to pro­vide our clients with insight­ful strate­gic advice and effi­cient solutions.