The com­mer­cial con­tracts prac­tice pro­vides prac­ti­cal and pro­fes­sional advice on con­trac­tual issues, cov­er­ing all the trad­ing activ­i­ties of a busi­ness. Our sub­stan­tial com­mer­cial exper­tise helps us address the diverse sit­u­a­tions and busi­ness needs of our clients. We pro­vide a com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice whether it be on strate­gic trans­ac­tions or on a more day-to-day level.

Review­ing and Draft­ing of Con­tracts & Agreements

Most peo­ple and busi­ness enter into con­tracts on almost a daily basis. Sim­ply put, a con­tract is a legally bind­ing agree­ment between two par­ties. One party makes an offer to do some­thing in exchange for “con­sid­er­a­tion,” or pay­ment, and the other party accepts that offer. Con­tracts can be ver­bal, in writ­ing or even implied. Some con­tracts such as signed credit card receipts are very sim­ple. Oth­ers such as those used to buy or sell real estate are far more com­pli­cated. If you are enter­ing into a com­plex trans­ac­tion, it pays to hire a con­tract law lawyer as early as pos­si­ble in the process. Your lawyer can help nego­ti­ate the terms and con­di­tions of the agree­ment, then draft the con­tract or review the con­tract that has been pre­sented to you. Our Law firms with expe­ri­ence in Con­tract Law can also defend clients if they have been accused of breach­ing a con­tract, or if they need assis­tance enforc­ing an exist­ing contract.

A con­tract is an agree­ment between two or more par­ties that cre­ates an oblig­a­tion on all par­ties to per­form (or not per­form) a par­tic­u­lar action or set of related actions. Con­tract law deter­mines what makes a par­tic­u­lar con­tract enforce­able, and pro­vides reme­dies when a con­tract is breached. If you are not care­ful, a con­tract may not be enforce­able when you want it to be, and may be enforce­able when you don’t want it to be. Work­ing with a qual­i­fied lawyer on all sig­nif­i­cant issues is the only cer­tain way to make sure your con­tract works how you intend.

The laws gov­ern­ing con­tracts vary through­out the world and can affect the legal­ity, enforce­abil­ity, per­for­mance require­ments and even the avail­able reme­dies for breach. While there are often dif­fer­ences among the laws of the var­i­ous coun­tries. How­ever, we advise our clients before they enter into any con­tract, make sure to con­sult with a qual­i­fied con­tract lawyer. Our Lawyers offer advice on all con­tract mat­ters to our esteemed clients. Our ser­vices include review­ing con­tracts, nego­ti­at­ing terms of con­tracts with par­ties on clients behalf, and finally draft­ing of con­tracts for clients’ sat­is­fac­tion by pro­tect­ing their busi­ness interests.