Insur­ance Lit­i­ga­tion

Our insur­ance trial lawyers reg­u­larly rep­re­sent clients through­out UAE who are involved in insur­ance dis­putes. Our lawyers pro­vide advice, guid­ance, and skilled rep­re­sen­ta­tion on the entire breadth of insur­ance lit­i­ga­tion mat­ters. Our insur­ance lit­i­ga­tion lawyers have suc­cess­fully rep­re­sented clients in insur­ance lit­i­ga­tion involv­ing all types of insur­ance poli­cies and cov­er­age, including:

  • Delayed and Denied Claims
  • Cov­er­age Disputes
  • Insur­ance Fraud
  • Busi­ness Liability
  • Prop­erty & Casualty
  • Acci­dent Compensation
  • Health  and Diya cases

Any insur­ance pol­icy can gen­er­ate a dis­pute. When you faith­fully pay your pre­mi­ums and you need to claim ben­e­fits, you are enti­tled to receive the ben­e­fits for which you con­tracted and paid pre­mi­ums. Insur­ance com­pa­nies have sophis­ti­cated sys­tems in place to screen claims and to deny and delay pay­ment of ben­e­fits, espe­cially large claims. We know how these processes work and we know when the insur­ance com­pany is stalling or break­ing the law by deny­ing or delay­ing pay­ment. We know that numer­ous terms and con­di­tions within your insur­ance pol­icy are sub­jec­tive and inten­tion­ally left wide open to inter­pre­ta­tion. Unfor­tu­nately, many peo­ple sim­ply accept the insur­ance company’s inter­pre­ta­tion and expla­na­tion of cer­tain terms and con­di­tions, which pre­vent pay­ment of ben­e­fits. We explore every term and con­di­tion in your pol­icy, and there are not many terms or con­di­tions we have not encoun­tered, in order to see that you receive the fair treat­ment and ben­e­fits you deserve.

Our insur­ance lit­i­ga­tion lawyers are excep­tional in these nego­ti­a­tions because the insur­ance adjusters and insur­ance defense lawyers know we are always will­ing to pur­sue the lit­i­ga­tion option.