AL OTAIBI Advocates & Legal Consultants is not orga­nized into  for­mal prac­tice groups. Lit­i­ga­tion is the focus of the law firm’s lawyers. Advo­cacy is their tal­ent & skill. They  are com­mit­ted for required pro­fes­sional advo­cacy that can be brought to bear in any kind of case what­so­ever. That is the  deter­mi­na­tion and con­vic­tion; and  we believe  that is one of the secrets of the suc­cess of our prac­tice. In our firm, of course, indi­vid­ual lawyers develop knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence in par­tic­u­lar areas of their prac­tice, but  the firm draws on that knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence as it is needed. The firm’s prin­ci­pal areas of prac­tice are described below:

Civil Lit­i­ga­tion : Civil lit­i­ga­tion is a legal dis­pute between two or more par­ties that seek money dam­ages or spe­cific per­for­mance rather than crim­i­nal sanc­tions. Our lawyers who spe­cial­ize in civil lit­i­ga­tion and pri­mar­ily prac­tice it rep­re­sent clients in tri­als, hear­ings, arbi­tra­tions and medi­a­tions before admin­is­tra­tive agen­cies, for­eign tri­bunals and fed­eral and local courts. Civil lit­i­ga­tion encom­passes a broad range of dis­putes. Our lawyers spe­cial­ize in all spe­cific prac­tice areas.

Cor­po­rate & Com­mer­cial Lit­i­ga­tion : When our clients con­tact us seek­ing legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion to pur­sue or defend a legal claim or respond to reg­u­la­tory action. We advise them effi­ciently  and objec­tively; and rep­re­sent them in any or all pro­ceed­ings  in a wide vari­ety of areas.

Cor­po­rate Finance : Exten­sive expe­ri­ence of advis­ing UAE and inter­na­tional busi­nesses on cor­po­rate finance trans­ac­tions, par­tic­u­larly merg­ers & acqui­si­tions, joint ven­tures, dis­pos­als and restruc­tur­ing. Our clients include pub­lic and pri­vate cor­po­ra­tions and fam­ily busi­nesses, and their share­hold­ers, direc­tors, and managers.

Real-Estate : Our firm advises on all aspects of Real-estate and prop­erty includ­ing pur­chase and sale deals, reg­is­tra­tion of prop­er­ties in the con­cerned land depart­ments. We pro­vide our ser­vice until the trans­ac­tion is set­tled and com­pleted. This is the con­tract agree­ment between the Buyer and the Seller with both par­ties meet­ing their respec­tive oblig­a­tions to each other, and each to com­plete their part of the agreement.

Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty : Our firm advises on all aspects of intel­lec­tual prop­erty includ­ing reg­is­tra­tion of trade­marks, designs, copy­right and patents, brand licens­ing and lit­i­ga­tion in respect of the infringe­ment of intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights. We have long-standing rela­tion­ships with law firms in New York, Lon­don, Ger­many and Rus­sia that enables us to offer a Euro­pean & American-wide IP ser­vice.

Labour and Employ­ment Law : Our firm offers lead­ing team of labour/employment lawyers in UAE, advis­ing national and inter­na­tional employ­ers on all aspects of labour law. In the last year we have suc­cess­fully defended many clients.